Chinese History

  1. 3. A sequence of rulers from the same family
  2. 5. A luxury trade item
  3. 6. This religion and philosophy encouraged people to live in harmony with nature
  4. 8. This invention required the soaking and drying of plant fibres
  5. 10. This Special Administrative Region was handed back to China in 1997
  6. 11. A time period in China's history from 2100BCE to 221BCE
  7. 12. Leader who implemented the 1 child policy
  8. 16. The period in Chinese history which began in 221BCE and ended in 1911 CE
  9. 18. Campaign introduced to make China a modern and industrial country
  10. 19. This invention was very important during warfare
  11. 20. A consequence of the Great Leap Forward
  12. 22. A famine in the 1800s led to a mass emigration of Chinese people
  13. 23. During this dynasty, printing and the magnetic compass were invented
  14. 24. This leader established the Republic of China in 1912
  15. 25. The cradle of Chinese civilisation
  1. 1. China's first emperor
  2. 2. This leader introduced communism in 1949
  3. 4. "Don't do to other people what you wouldn't want them to do to you"
  4. 7. Site of the 1989 massacre of protesters demanding political reforms
  5. 9. China had to give Hong Kong to this country following the loss of the Opium Wars
  6. 13. China was the first country to start issuing this form of currency
  7. 14. Mao's attempt to remove capitalism, traditions and cultural elements from society
  8. 15. This connected China to the Roman Empire
  9. 17. Sculptures to protect Emperor Qin in the afterlife
  10. 21. The dynasty that introduced writing on oracle bones