Chinese Influence on Australia

  1. 6. European miners grew increasingly hostile towards the _________
  2. 7. They accused them of smoking opium and wasting ______
  3. 9. The Chinese were the biggest non-_______ group at the goldfields
  4. 11. The Chinese miners remained passive as ___________ rose against them
  5. 12. This hostility exploded, and anti-Chinese ______ developed
  6. 13. The Chinese often Worked back through tailings and mullock heaps finding _____ that the Europeans had missed.
  7. 15. The average Chinese miner could live on less, withstand worse conditions and remain patient longer than diggers of other ___________
  8. 16. During these riots Chinese property was ____________ and Chinese miners had their pony tails cut off
  9. 18. In Victoria, in 1857, 22 Chinese were __________ as a result of riots
  10. 19. They were often extremely secretive about their ________
  1. 1. The Chinese often ________ all day waist deep in water
  2. 2. Most were single young men who expected to stay in Australia for only a year or two to make their...
  3. 3. Between 1852 and 1853, about 500 Chinese migrants left ______ ______ for Melbourne.
  4. 4. In ___ _______ _________, in 1861, two more Chinese were killed in further riots
  5. 5. Once they'd made their fortune they intended to move home to China to get _________
  6. 8. The Chinese immigrants only bought their ___________ from local Chinese businesses.
  7. 10. They were met at the docks by angry ______, who hurled abuse at them and pelted them with food and other scraps.
  8. 14. The migrants camped on the outskirts of Melbourne until they could purchase the necessary ________ equipment.
  9. 17. The Chinese were not very welcome as their dress and habits were different from the other ________