Chinese Mythology

  1. 1. south
  2. 2. his _______ became the thunder, and his breath became the winds.
  3. 3. a nontheistic religion or dharma, "right way of living", that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama.
  4. 8. thousand he developed and slept in the egg ______ years
  5. 9. west
  6. 11. a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao-tzu (fl. 6th century bc), advocating humility and religious piety.
  7. 14. a set of ethical beliefs, sometimes called a religion,that were developed from the teachings of the scholar Confucius, who lived in the 6th century BCE in China
  8. 16. under his feet
  9. 18. impure elements settled downwards to make the earth.
  10. 21. Palace also called Guanghan Palace
  11. 23. on his head
  12. 24. purer elements drifted upwards to make the sky and heavens
  13. 27. the rabbits name
  14. 28. thousand for 18,000 years he continued to grow, until the heavens were ________ miles above the earth.
  1. 1. his _______ became the rivers, and his sweat became the rain and dew.
  2. 4. his arms and legs became the four directions and the ________.
  3. 5. thousand its earliest myths date from more than _____ years ago
  4. 6. up above, his ______ eye became the sun,
  5. 7. the entire universe was contained in an _____ shaped cloud.
  6. 10. gu a huge giant who grew in the chaos.
  7. 12. Gang wood cutter
  8. 13. what did the immortal teach Wu after he asked to learn something else
  9. 14. goddess of the Moon
  10. 15. Chang'e stole the pill of _________
  11. 17. north
  12. 19. his hair became the _______, and his veins became the roads and paths.
  13. 20. east
  14. 22. has the oldest existing civilization in the world
  15. 25. after how many days did Wu Gang ask the immortal to teach him something else
  16. 26. his teeth and bones became the minerals and _______, and his flesh became the soil of the fields.