Chinese New Year

  1. 3. Who fills the street during the Chinese New Year
  2. 5. Older family members give kids bright red what
  3. 8. What stands for long life
  4. 10. Chinese New Year is also known as what
  5. 12. Dancers wear colorful what
  6. 13. Nian was scared by what color
  1. 1. Dancing lions scare away what
  2. 2. Chinese New Year starts in what month
  3. 4. What food represents good fortune
  4. 6. Chinese new year started with a monster named
  5. 7. What lights up the sky
  6. 8. What animal dance in the streets
  7. 9. What hangs in the streets
  8. 11. The Chinese prepare what during the first 15 days