Chinese Paths to Religion

  1. 2. Buddhism originated in this country with Siddhartha Gautama.
  2. 5. Hung Wu, a Ming leader, designed this code of behavior.
  3. 8. He was the high god of heaven that gave his power to the emperor.
  4. 10. These types of disasters were often a sign to the people that their ruler was not doing a good job.
  5. 11. In Confucianism, a subject is supposed to be subservient and listen to this other person of higher rank.
  6. 14. The Buddhists believe in this concept of being born again in a different form.
  7. 15. The Chinese believed that if there was a sign from the heavens that they had a ___________ to rebel against him.
  8. 17. In Confucianism, this is the term given to kindness given to all humans.
  9. 18. He was the founder of Taoism.
  10. 19. In Taoism, the symbol known as the ______________ and the yang represents balance.
  11. 22. In Taoism Wu Wei is the desire to do ______________.
  1. 1. This beliefs philosophies are recorded in its holy book called the Tao Te Ching.
  2. 3. In hung Wu's system, major violation of rules could result in ____________.
  3. 4. Hung Wu's code of behavior was based on rewards for good work and __________________ for bad behavior.
  4. 6. This is the worship, in China and other parts of the world, of ones dead relatives in hopes of rewards.
  5. 7. Hung Wu believed that humans are naturally _________________ and need strict rules.
  6. 8. Gautama, also known as the Buddha, has his teachings compiled in this Buddhist holy book.
  7. 9. This is the term given to Buddhist ultimate enlightenment and perfection.
  8. 12. In Confucianism, this is the practice of good manners towards others.
  9. 13. In Buddhism, the "middle way" is the way of ______________.
  10. 16. Taoism is known as "the way of the road" which means ones relationship with _______________.
  11. 20. Buddhists believed that there are this many ways to enlightenment.
  12. 21. The Mandate of Heaven originated in this dynasty.