Chinese Philosophies

  1. 2. In Legalism a highly efficient and powerful __________ is the key to maintaining order.
  2. 3. Respect for parents and elders
  3. 7. Confucianism teaches about the five basic __________________
  4. 8. Leader/creator of Taoism.
  5. 10. Confucius believed that a ruler should be a virtuous man who led by _____________.
  6. 11. Leader/creator of Legalism.
  7. 12. In Legalism rulers will use strict laws and harsh ______________.
  1. 1. Leader/creator of Confucianism.
  2. 4. Education is the road to____________.
  3. 5. Lao Tzu would have believed that government was _______________ and the cause of conflict.
  4. 6. The motive for all actions
  5. 9. This religion opposes government and supports harmony with nature.
  6. 13. "The Way"