Chinese Philosophies Crossword

  1. 3. Acclaimed to be the most important invention in human history, as it allows us to communicate and store information in written form easily and quickly.
  2. 5. The Chinese philosophical/political justification of the rule of the king/emporer, which states that they had the Divine right to rule. This could be taken away at any time.
  3. 8. The Chinese philosopher or statesman of the Legalistic school of thought during the Warring States period, and a prince of the state of Han.
  4. 9. An era of division in ancient China ended by the Qin dynasty.
  5. 11. The dynasty / empire was established in 1636, and ended the imperial rule of China.
  6. 14. The ancient Chinese philosophy that believes in the importance of personal ethics and morality.
  1. 1. The ancient Chinese philosophy that believed in strict rules and punishment, and founded by Han Feizi.
  2. 2. Ancient Chinese tool invented during the Warring States Period. Used for firearms and projectiles.
  3. 4. Dynasty that followed the Shang dynasty and preceded the Qin dynasty. The dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history (790 years).
  4. 6. Ancient Chinese tool used to tell direction by the magnetic poles of the Earth.
  5. 7. An ancient Chinese invention that revolutionized the writing of books, newspapers, and other written documents.
  6. 10. An ancient Chinese philosopher that aimed to make education broadly available. He also established ethical and moral social standards that formed a basic way of life.
  7. 12. The ancient Chinese philosophy that believes in “hands-off” teaching, and finding an individual way to live.
  8. 13. A Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of Ancient China. Traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War.