Chinese River Valley Civilization to the Han Dynasty

  1. 3. the "mythical" first dynasty of China that we know little about
  2. 6. the dynasty that built the Great Wall of China
  3. 7. this Indian religion becomes popular in China during the Han period
  4. 9. the English translation of the "Huang He" River
  5. 12. used during the Shang to tell the future, examples of first Chinese writing found on these
  6. 14. costly cloth made produced ONLY in China in the ancient period
  7. 17. the worship of ones' ancestors
  8. 18. the second major river in Chinese history, found in the south
  9. 19. Chinese nature based religion, Yin Yang as the symbol
  1. 1. the term for a "ruling family" in Chinese history
  2. 2. when the "gods support the rule of a dynasty"
  3. 4. a "standardized" test to choose government workers
  4. 5. the first true dynasty of China with written history/records
  5. 8. the longest of the Chinese dynasties
  6. 10. the most superior writing surface in the ancient world, produced only in China
  7. 11. Chinese philosophy concerned with social rules,order, and harmony
  8. 13. philosophy practiced by the Qin Dynasty
  9. 15. the Dynasty that overthrew the Qin Dynasty and invented paper
  10. 16. high tech and costly pottery produced in China