Chinese winemakers

  1. 1. Value
  2. 5. Take part in a competition
  3. 6. People who come from another country
  4. 8. Near
  5. 10. Despite the fact that
  6. 11. Prizes
  7. 16. General impression
  8. 17. Small mountains
  9. 18. Meet the requirements
  10. 19. The one that comes after the fifth one
  1. 2. In better condition
  2. 3. Make better
  3. 4. Platform
  4. 7. Exceptional
  5. 9. Difficulties
  6. 12. Place where wine is made
  7. 13. Difficult, hard
  8. 14. Give up, stop doing
  9. 15. Signified
  10. 18. Earth in which plants grow