Chinese Words

  1. 2. highschool/middle school student
  2. 6. learn/study
  3. 7. principal
  4. 8. play
  5. 9. friend
  6. 12. name
  7. 14. student
  8. 16. coach
  9. 17. particle word
  10. 19. what
  11. 21. basketball
  12. 22. both
  1. 1. we/us
  2. 3. you're welcome
  3. 4. the French language
  4. 5. they/them
  5. 10. have
  6. 11. who
  7. 13. american football
  8. 14. xie thank you
  9. 15. particle word
  10. 18. also
  11. 20. the Chinese language