Chipko Movement

  1. 3. This movement was incorrectly classified as a … movement
  2. 5. How long was the ban on felling trees in the woods of Uttar Pradesh?
  3. 7. What prevented villagers from cutting down trees
  4. 8. What gender is the movement associated with?
  5. 9. The movement started by Rajashtan’s … community
  6. 12. Bahuguna Leader of the Chipko movement
  7. 14. Movement started in the Himalayan region of
  8. 16. What led to the events that devastated the people?
  9. 17. Founder of the movement
  10. 18. One natural disaster that devastated the people
  11. 19. What does Chipko mean?
  1. 1. What tactic of the movement earned them their name?
  2. 2. What kind of activist was Bhatt?
  3. 4. What was the movement fighting for?
  4. 5. What year did the movement start?
  5. 6. What did this movement inspire in India
  6. 10. The original Chipko andolan movement dates back to …
  7. 11. How long was the ban placed upon the Reni forest?
  8. 13. Name of Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of nonviolent resistance
  9. 15. Devi In 1974, they led a group of women to stop the felling of trees