- 3. This movement was incorrectly classified as a … movement
- 5. How long was the ban on felling trees in the woods of Uttar Pradesh?
- 7. What prevented villagers from cutting down trees
- 8. What gender is the movement associated with?
- 9. The movement started by Rajashtan’s … community
- 12. Bahuguna Leader of the Chipko movement
- 14. Movement started in the Himalayan region of
- 16. What led to the events that devastated the people?
- 17. Founder of the movement
- 18. One natural disaster that devastated the people
- 19. What does Chipko mean?
- 1. What tactic of the movement earned them their name?
- 2. What kind of activist was Bhatt?
- 4. What was the movement fighting for?
- 5. What year did the movement start?
- 6. What did this movement inspire in India
- 10. The original Chipko andolan movement dates back to …
- 11. How long was the ban placed upon the Reni forest?
- 13. Name of Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of nonviolent resistance
- 15. Devi In 1974, they led a group of women to stop the felling of trees