Choice assignment

  1. 1. Enlightenment philosopher who had a belief in deism
  2. 3. "I think therefore I am"
  3. 5. Belief in the existance of a creator who does not intervene in the universe:who chooses to let the universe proceed according to natural law
  4. 6. The belief in economic, social, and political equality between all genders/sexes/people
  5. 10. Both Locke and Rousseou believed?
  6. 11. Enlightenment philosopher, Diderot published what famous book?
  7. 15. Power of government is deprived form the ___
  8. 17. Enlightenment phlosopher who fought for religious freedom, and freedom of speech
  9. 19. High school class that lets students learn and explore civiliation, truth, education, and human societies
  10. 20. The belife that reason, skeptisim, and the scientific mehtod are the only appropriate instruments for the discovery, truth, and structuring of human community
  11. 21. Enlightenment thinker who believed in the monarchy
  12. 22. Early feminist Enlightenment thinker and author during the enlightenment
  1. 2. European movement that took place between the 17th and 18th century
  2. 4. Famous German composerduring the transition between the 17th-18th century, which started in Italy
  3. 7. The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge,and existance
  4. 8. Book written by Enlightenment thinker who helped introduce the thery of the social contract
  5. 9. Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness is based off what Enlightenment philosophers writings?
  6. 12. AN implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social bnefits
  7. 13. Laws that govern human nature
  8. 14. Enlightenment philosopher who had strong belifs in human nature
  9. 16. Scientist born 1546, Denmark, who later in life lost his nose in a duel
  10. 18. Austrian composer, wrote and composed in all music genres, was said to excel in each of them