choice board activity

  1. 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  2. 3. the 13day event that almost lead to nuclear warfare
  3. 5. a competition between the US and the USSR to obtain nuclaer weapons
  4. 6. A war fought in Korea between South Korea and North Korea. US fought to stop the spread of communism
  5. 10. an area of extreme tension
  6. 13. a acompetition between the Soviet Union and the united states to obtain scientific superiority
  7. 14. a war fought in Vietnam between South Vietnam and North Vietnam. The Us fought in it to stop the spread of communism
  8. 15. the soviets built this during the cold war to keep people inside of east Germany
  9. 17. the western superpower during the cold war
  10. 19. soviet occupied sector of Germany
  1. 1. weapons that almost had to be used during the cold war
  2. 2. a world power that has military power and political influence
  3. 4. The leader of the USSR during the cold war
  4. 7. The imaginary line dividing Europe into two halves
  5. 8. the long period of distrust between the US and USSR
  6. 9. Alliances between the soviet union and other communist countries
  7. 11. an airlift conducted by the US and great britain that lasted for 15 months to get suppllies into west Berlin.
  8. 12. the eastern superpower during the cold war
  9. 16. person to create the "red scare" that scared millions of americans nationwide
  10. 18. soviet occupied countries in eastern europe with communist goverments