Choice Theory

  1. 3. Avoid criticizing and blaming in Reality Therapy
  2. 5. William _________ is the creator of Choice Theory
  3. 6. Lead Management employs the Seven Caring Habits
  4. 8. Under choice theory students should be able to decide ________________ for misbehaviour
  5. 11. Punishment and ___________ is avoided upon in Choice Theory
  6. 12. ______________ behaviour from teachers generally leads to more severe behaviour from problematic students, while the relation-based discipline of lead management has been shown to result in more positive behaviour from students (Conway, 2009)
  7. 15. Boss Management is often seen as "my way or the __________"
  8. 17. The need for ______ and influence is a basic human need
  9. 19. The need to be free and make ___________ is a basic human need
  10. 21. The Seven Caring Habits are: Supporting, Encouraging, Listening, Accepting, Trusting, _________, Negotiating Differences
  11. 22. Under Choice Theory teachers work with students to form ___________ strategies to encourage students to choose good behaviour
  12. 23. Under Choice Theory there are ______ basic needs underpinning human behaviour
  13. 24. Teachers employing Choice Theory should _____________ their students to focus on controlling their actions and thoughts
  14. 25. The need to ______ and have fun is a basic human need
  1. 1. The Seven Deadly Habits are: Criticising, Blaming, Complaining, __________, Threatening, Punishing, Bribing + rewarding to control
  2. 2. Under Choice Theory students should be able to make ________ regarding class operations
  3. 4. The need to belong and __________ is a basic human need
  4. 7. Reality Therapy is not a form of _________________ for celebrities such as Justin Bieber
  5. 9. Reality Therapy is a form of counselling the reinforces the principles of Choice Theory
  6. 10. When employing Reality Therapy, work with the ____________ to create a workable plan specific to the needs and abilities of the student (Robey et. al, 2011)
  7. 13. _______ ________ (two words, no space) is best employed in a one-on-one setting
  8. 14. If all or some of these basic needs are not met, students will resort to ________________ beahviour
  9. 16. Lead Management is group orientated. The lead managing teacher listens to his/her class creates a class environment to reflect the class
  10. 18. Under choice theory students will choose _________ behaviour if they have positive perceptions about their time at school
  11. 20. In Reality Theory, you must focus on the _____ issue between you and the student