- 1. a symbol that tells you to follow the conductor to know how long to hold a note.
- 4. half a beat of silence
- 5. one beat of sound
- 8. to get softer in sound
- 10. very soft
- 11. Tells you to repeat a certain section, whether it’s the entirety of the piece of a small section of it.
- 13. four beats of sound
- 15. forte medium loud
- 16. soft/quiet
- 17. Bar Line the end of a piece
- 18. one beat of silence
- 19. very loud
- 1. loud
- 2. to get louder in sound
- 3. four beats of silence
- 6. half a beat of sound
- 7. two beats sound
- 9. tell a musician how loud or soft to sing/play.
- 12. piano medium soft
- 14. two beats of silence