Chosen Lesson 5

  1. 1. Mystery of the salvation through life, death, ascension, and Resurrection of Christ
  2. 6. Date of Christmas
  3. 9. Jesus came to pay a __________ we never could
  4. 13. a mystic and doctor of the church
  5. 14. season before Christmas
  6. 15. which apostle said "You are Christ, the Son of the living God
  7. 16. Date of All Saints' Day
  8. 17. The only apostle to see the risen Lord and not be a martyr
  9. 18. What did St Teresa of Avila struggle with
  10. 19. said yes to God
  11. 20. Chosen to become the mother of Jesus
  1. 2. What is St Teresa of Avila the Patron Saint of
  2. 3. Jesus is liar lunatic or
  3. 4. what type of seasons are Easter and Christmas
  4. 5. Date of The feast of Mary
  5. 7. How many people saw Jesus rise from the dead
  6. 8. who asks his followers "Who do men say that I am."
  7. 10. Latin for "let it be done"
  8. 11. Jesus becoming flesh
  9. 12. God called Saint Teresa of Avila to a