Chpt 20 Medical Emergencies

  1. 3. unexpected or sudden occasion
  2. 4. bodily injuries
  3. 7. disorganized cardiac rhythm
  4. 11. acute vascular lesions of the brain
  5. 13. paleness
  6. 14. illusion of movement
  7. 16. temporary suspension of consciousness
  8. 17. forcible expulsion of contents of the stomach through the mouth
  9. 18. abnormal decrease in glucose in the blood
  10. 19. device used for external electric shock
  11. 20. escape of blood from the vessel
  12. 21. unpleasant sensation often culminating in vomiting
  1. 1. separation of the layers of a surgical wound
  2. 2. artificial substitution of heart and lung action
  3. 5. sudden stoppage of cardiac output
  4. 6. subjective sensation or motor phenomenon
  5. 8. failure of circulatory system to maintain adequate perfusion of vital organs
  6. 9. Vascular reaction also called hives
  7. 10. abnormal increase of glucose in the blood
  8. 12. nosebleed
  9. 15. abnormal drowsiness or stupor