Chris + Makayla = Love

  1. 3. PLNU school spirit
  2. 7. Chris' secret talent
  3. 8. A hug from home
  4. 9. Del Fairgrounds
  5. 12. First Fundraiser walk we did together
  6. 15. Our pets name
  7. 16. Wii game
  8. 17. __ never fails
  9. 18. Location of Inter Varstity Camp
  10. 19. Our Song
  11. 20. Military Application Month
  12. 22. I will always be your ___
  13. 24. Anniversary
  14. 25. Makayla's 21st birthday surprise
  15. 26. I love__!
  1. 1. I am your ___ in your world of camo
  2. 2. Two month anniversary
  3. 4. Stuffed animal
  4. 5. Four month anniversary
  5. 6. Distance made easier
  6. 10. Calvary Chapel Oceanside
  7. 11. Cell phone contact
  8. 13. God is the center of our relationship
  9. 14. Place we went for eight months anniversary
  10. 21. Boat ride with the family
  11. 23. Nickname for each other