Christian Beliefs Recap So Far

  1. 2. A branch of Christianity mainly, but not entirely, practiced in Eastern Europe
  2. 4. A branch of Christianity, originally called by that name because they protested against some of the practices of the Catholic Church
  3. 5. A distinct group within the Christian faith
  4. 7. God's attribute of being all-knowing, having complete knowledge of everything past, present, and future.
  5. 8. The belief that God is present everywhere, transcending space and time.
  6. 10. The person of the trinity representing God incarnate
  1. 1. A type of evil caused by humans
  2. 2. God is all-powerful and capable of doing anything that is logically possible.
  3. 3. A branch of Christianity, based in Rome and led by the Pope
  4. 6. God is perfectly good and compassionate, possessing infinite love and mercy.
  5. 9. A type of evil caused by disasters out of the control of humans e.g. earthquakes