Christian of Roman Empires

  1. 3. who developed a vocabulary of terms with which to describe faith.
  2. 4. the part of the Bible that recalls the story of Jesus, his mission, his first followers
  3. 6. another word for covenant
  4. 9. a proclamation made Christianity legal throughout the Roman Empire
  5. 10. official list books of the Bible
  6. 11. who studied and explained Scripture
  1. 1. Emperor who favored Christianity
  2. 2. bishop of Hippo in North Africa
  3. 5. who translated the Bible into latin from Hebrew and Greek.
  4. 7. A priest from Alexandria was preaching that Jesus was not fully divine.
  5. 8. collection of books Concerned with God's covenant
  6. 10. council that affirmed that Jesus was one person with two nature-divinw and human
  7. 12. The Council affiremed that Mary is truly "Mother of God."