Christian Scientists and Chemists

  1. 3. world's top authority on peanuts & sweet potatoes
  2. 5. senior lecturer in food technology
  3. 8. developed nitrogen and super-phosphate fertilizers
  4. 10. discovered pyridine
  5. 12. father of modern chemistry
  6. 15. father of modern atomic theory
  7. 17. discovered helium
  8. 19. core scientist who evaluated canola oil
  9. 21. first to identify foodstuffs as fats, proteins, and carbs
  10. 22. discovered arsenic
  1. 1. irish chemist and mineralogist
  2. 2. discovered an entire column of the periodic table
  3. 4. written numerous articles relating to creation-evolution
  4. 6. provided the foundation of synthetics
  5. 7. an organic chemist and director of research for E.I. duPont company
  6. 9. discovered laughing gas
  7. 11. specializes in undergraduate chemistry education
  8. 13. father of modern surgery
  9. 14. spent almost 3 decades researching theoretical and inorganic chemistry
  10. 16. professor of steroid biochemistry
  11. 18. researches antifungal proteins
  12. 20. discovered the mineral titanium