
  1. 3. santas helper
  2. 4. santa comes
  3. 7. you get this on 24th dec
  4. 9. man of snow
  5. 12. leafs fall from tree
  6. 13. jingle bells
  7. 16. what do you want on christmas list
  8. 17. horses snow car
  9. 18. the most important tree
  1. 1. bake on christmas
  2. 2. christmas word
  3. 5. christmas comes
  4. 6. santas favorit pet
  5. 8. christmas dish
  6. 9. falling from winter sky
  7. 10. hates christmas
  8. 11. count Countdown on christmas
  9. 14. christams season
  10. 15. santas pet