
  1. 3. the food left out for santa
  2. 5. another word for present
  3. 6. brings presents on Christmas
  4. 7. the month of christmas
  5. 9. how santa typically enters a house on christmas eve
  6. 10. the day before christmas
  7. 13. where santa's workshop is located
  8. 15. have a ______ christmas
  9. 16. the disliked reindeer
  10. 17. traditional christmas meat
  1. 1. what do we decorate?
  2. 2. what does santa around in?
  3. 3. a striped Christmas treat
  4. 4. famous children's christmas song
  5. 8. the day after christmas
  6. 11. the season christmas is in
  7. 12. what naughty children get on christmas
  8. 14. what is found underneath the christmas tree?