Christmas 13

  1. 6. many religious people go to ***** on Christmas day.
  2. 8. we use this to make the house festive.
  3. 9. Santa rides in this.
  4. 10. every family has their own kind of Christmas...
  5. 12. who delivers Christmas gifts!
  6. 15. The day before Christmas is Christmas ***.
  7. 17. this animal pulls Santa’s sleigh.
  8. 18. Christmas is often called the ******* season!
  9. 20. people hang this on their door.
  10. 21. People always **** presents in Christmas paper.
  11. 22. where Santa lives.
  1. 1. most people decorate their Christmas tree with?
  2. 2. some people hang this somewhere and fill it with small gifts.
  3. 3. A plant with a strong Christmas tradition
  4. 4. What are we celebrating?
  5. 5. The name of the most popular reindeer.
  6. 7. people build this out of snow.
  7. 11. christmas is a festive time to...
  8. 13. a very popular Christmas food. It’s quite large.
  9. 14. who make the gifts?
  10. 16. which month is Christmas in?
  11. 19. ***** Clause.
  12. 23. we put Christmas ******** under the Christmas tree.