
  1. 3. a type of cookie
  2. 5. Santa comes down it
  3. 7. I am going to ______ him something this year
  4. 9. song: ______ it snow
  5. 12. Christmas is celebrated on the twenty ______ of December
  6. 13. balls we put on a tree
  7. 14. the color that Santa's clothes are
  8. 16. they help Santa
  9. 17. song: all I want for Christmas is ____
  10. 19. song: ______ Christmas
  1. 1. Christmas tree color
  2. 2. found under a Christmas tree
  3. 4. song: _____ bell rock
  4. 6. Santa eats them with milk
  5. 8. the season when Christmas is
  6. 9. we should send a Christmas _______
  7. 10. stuff that falls during winter from the sky
  8. 11. put on top of a Christmas tree
  9. 15. we should ______ for Christmas
  10. 18. Santa drinks it