
  1. 1. On Christmas it’s Jesus ******** and that’s why we celebrate Christmas
  2. 7. Helpes Santa deliver presents by pulling his sleigh
  3. 10. you have to kiss under it
  4. 12. reindeer like to eat these
  5. 14. You often see Christmas ****** on houses in December
  6. 16. gods helpers
  7. 20. placed under the tree
  8. 22. is placed inside the house, decorated and placed presents under
  9. 25. We often ******** the house with lights
  10. 27. We celebrate his birth on Christmas Day
  11. 28. During Christmas you are usually with your ******
  12. 30. it’s a typical Christmas candy (two words)
  1. 2. comes every Sunday during Christmas
  2. 3. you ****** Christmas on December 24th in Denmark
  3. 4. People hang this on their door
  4. 5. White and cold powder
  5. 6. Christmas is a time for ****** - being generous
  6. 8. The most popular reindeer
  7. 9. where Santa lives
  8. 11. People often put a **** on top of the tree
  9. 13. What month is Christmas?
  10. 15. Santa rides in this
  11. 17. helps Santa Claus
  12. 18. People hang this somewhere and fills it with small gifts
  13. 19. Delivers presents (two words)
  14. 21. You **** presents in paper
  15. 23. Christmas is a *******
  16. 24. there is a nut you have to find
  17. 26. A typical danish Christmas ********** is to dance around the Christmas tree and sing
  18. 29. Many people watch Christmas ****** during Christmas