Yule Log-ic! 🎄✨

  1. 1. Popular Christmas song starting with “Jingle.” (5)
  2. 6. Red-nosed reindeer. (6)
  3. 7. Wrapped gifts are placed under this. (4)
  4. 9. Frosty the ______. (7)
  5. 10. Paper decoration seen outside homes during Christmas in India. (4)
  6. 11. What children leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. (7)
  7. 13. This festive plant has spiny leaves and red berries. (5)
  8. 14. Santa enters the house through this. (8)
  1. 2. Santa delivers gifts to children on this. (4)
  2. 3. Santa’s helpers at the North Pole. (5)
  3. 4. Songs sung at Christmas, about Christmas (6)
  4. 5. Famous green character who tried to steal Christmas. (6)
  5. 6. The colour of Santa’s suit. (3)
  6. 8. Christmas Month (8)
  7. 9. Famous Christmas song, "_____ Night." (6)
  8. 12. Item hung by the fireplace for Santa to fill. (8)