- 1. Popular Christmas song starting with “Jingle.” (5)
- 6. Red-nosed reindeer. (6)
- 7. Wrapped gifts are placed under this. (4)
- 9. Frosty the ______. (7)
- 10. Paper decoration seen outside homes during Christmas in India. (4)
- 11. What children leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. (7)
- 13. This festive plant has spiny leaves and red berries. (5)
- 14. Santa enters the house through this. (8)
- 2. Santa delivers gifts to children on this. (4)
- 3. Santa’s helpers at the North Pole. (5)
- 4. Songs sung at Christmas, about Christmas (6)
- 5. Famous green character who tried to steal Christmas. (6)
- 6. The colour of Santa’s suit. (3)
- 8. Christmas Month (8)
- 9. Famous Christmas song, "_____ Night." (6)
- 12. Item hung by the fireplace for Santa to fill. (8)