
  1. 3. A large sock hung by the fireplace for presents.
  2. 8. Another word for festive season or celebration.
  3. 9. You kiss under it during Christmas.
  4. 13. Holiday celebrated on December 25th.
  5. 15. They pull Santa's sleigh through the sky.
  6. 16. A red and white striped Christmas treat.
  7. 17. Shiny strands used to decorate the tree.
  8. 19. A red Christmas flower.
  9. 20. A frozen spike hanging from roofs in winter.
  1. 1. Santa's home.
  2. 2. A decoration hung on the Christmas tree.
  3. 4. Santa climbs down this to deliver gifts.
  4. 5. Songs sung during the Christmas season.
  5. 6. Santa's vehicle for delivering gifts.
  6. 7. A circular decoration made of evergreen branches.
  7. 10. Unique and falls from the sky in winter.
  8. 11. Another word for present.
  9. 12. A sweet treat shaped like little men.
  10. 14. Claus He delivers presents to children around the world.
  11. 18. They jingle all the way!