
  1. 1. monkey
  2. 3. travels
  3. 4. barney nickname
  4. 6. costume
  5. 7. illness
  6. 9. school
  7. 10. barney nickname
  8. 13. wonder of the world
  9. 14. best man
  10. 15. barneys favourite thing
  11. 16. most annoying part of wedding
  12. 17. Rachel nickname
  13. 20. travels
  14. 22. crash car
  15. 25. Rachel bad trait
  16. 26. food compliment
  17. 28. calf name
  18. 29. barney nickname
  19. 30. word cup winners
  20. 31. barney favourite food
  21. 34. kate new home
  22. 36. costume
  23. 38. sorry I forgot
  24. 40. drink
  25. 42. annoying cousin
  26. 43. Rachel nickname
  1. 1. rachs worst habit
  2. 2. barney birthplace
  3. 5. address
  4. 8. rugby club
  5. 9. rooftop drinks
  6. 11. missed holiday
  7. 12. wood spelling mistake
  8. 14. failed veg
  9. 16. eds van
  10. 18. description of my…
  11. 19. illness
  12. 21. dog nickname
  13. 23. ed saying
  14. 24. barney favourite toy
  15. 27. ben item clothes
  16. 28. stag
  17. 32. colour
  18. 33. new car
  19. 35. woodturning wood
  20. 37. maid of honour
  21. 39. hen
  22. 41. thank you