
  1. 2. the cook called remy
  2. 4. a dream car
  3. 6. sports clothing brand
  4. 9. special superpower
  5. 11. a great song
  6. 12. fastest bird
  7. 15. a sound babys make
  8. 16. to eat something fast
  9. 18. 2 + 9
  10. 19. happy feet
  11. 20. to put up with someone
  12. 22. robbie williams hit
  13. 24. used to hit a ball
  1. 1. look at 3 but drinks blood
  2. 3. Muhammad Ali is the...
  3. 5. yummy sauce...:)
  4. 7. to do wrong do somebody that trusts you
  5. 8. kicked out of casinos
  6. 10. famous dance to do at party's
  7. 13. dies in mazerunner
  8. 14. was-----but is now -ap--n a-er--a
  9. 17. korean tv show
  10. 18. rough or harsh voice
  11. 21. a nice word to call your partner
  12. 23. new member of the guardians of the galaxy