Christmas Crossword

  1. 2. A christmas soldier
  2. 3. A romantic place on christmas
  3. 5. They are roasting on an open fire
  4. 6. A sparkly decoration
  5. 8. Can be used to construct a house
  6. 11. The way santa gets around
  7. 12. The four sundays leading to christmas
  8. 14. Everybody's favorite snowman
  9. 15. A christmas tree
  10. 17. The man, the myth, the legend of christmas
  11. 20. Santas real name
  1. 1. Santas evil shadow
  2. 4. A decoration on a tree
  3. 7. Very efficiant workers
  4. 9. Santas first reindeer
  5. 10. Is spread on christmas
  6. 13. A popular christmas drink
  7. 15. Hung above the fireplace
  8. 16. Santas right hand man
  9. 18. Coke was the first company to use this in their advertisements
  10. 19. A christmas song in a church