Christmas Crossword

  1. 2. This word means happy.
  2. 8. Christmas ****. The time leading up to Christmas and just after.
  3. 12. what the reindeer like to eat
  4. 13. Sometimes, people ******** the Christmas tree with candy canes.
  5. 15. the mother of Jesus
  6. 19. Santa rides in this.
  7. 21. A popular Christmas ********* is to sing Christmas Carols.
  8. 22. People hang this on their door.
  9. 23. The day before Christmas is Christmas ***.
  10. 24. Small red berries – used as a Christmas decoration.
  11. 25. A traditional Christmas cookie.
  12. 27. A plant with a strong Christmas tradition - it’s a symbol of love.
  13. 28. A very popular Christmas song – two words.
  14. 29. This is a modern and popular tradition of giving anonymous Christmas gifts.
  15. 32. We put ******** under the Christmas tree.
  16. 34. A Christmas song.
  17. 36. The North Pole has a lot of this.
  18. 37. Many religious people go to ***** on Christmas day.
  1. 1. The name of a popular snowman.
  2. 3. We ********* Christmas on December 25th.
  3. 4. a popular food on Christmas in Mexico
  4. 5. What month is Christmas?
  5. 6. the town where Jesus was born
  6. 7. ****** night. A popular Christmas Carol.
  7. 9. Most people decorate their Christmas tree with ********
  8. 10. Christmas is a time to celebrate with ******.
  9. 11. where Santa lives
  10. 14. We often see Christmas ****** on houses in December.
  11. 16. This animal pulls Santa’s sleigh.
  12. 17. Let’s have a Christmas *****.
  13. 18. Christmas is a time for ****** - being generous.
  14. 20. Some people hang this somewhere and fill it with small gifts.
  15. 21. Traditionally, how many days are there for Christmas?
  16. 22. People always **** presents in Christmas paper.
  17. 26. More than one elf.
  18. 30. *********** delivers Christmas gifts! Two words.
  19. 31. People often put a **** on top of the Christmas tree.
  20. 33. We celebrate his birth on Christmas Day.
  21. 35. The name of the most popular reindeer.