- 1. A very large Christmas food. It is also eaten during Thanksgiving Day in November.
- 3. People often put a ____ on top of the Christmas tree.
- 6. This food is used to make small houses and cookies shaped like people.
- 10. Where Santa lives. (two words)
- 11. Santa rides this.
- 13. People usually kiss under this during Christmas.
- 15. Another word for "presents".
- 17. A dessert/ snack that Santa likes to eat.
- 18. People always ______ presents in Christmas paper.
- 20. Many religious people go to ______ on Christmas day.
- 21. A very popular Christmas song. (two words)
- 2. This animal pulls Santa's ride/ vehicle.
- 4. Name of a famous reindeer.
- 5. People build this from snow.
- 7. We put Christmas _________ under the Christmas tree.
- 8. Another word for "happiness".
- 9. Some people hang these somewhere in their homes and fill them with small gifts.
- 12. A drink that Santa likes.
- 14. What month is Christmas?
- 16. A popular Christmas ________ is to sing Christmas songs.
- 19. We put presents under the Christmas _____.