Christmas Crossword

  1. 4. a hot drink famous at christmas time
  2. 6. an activity me and my family do every christmas on ice
  3. 7. the fancy things that cover houses at christmas time
  4. 8. the deliverer of the presents
  5. 9. the presents are wrapped in this
  6. 12. santa's helpers
  7. 13. a famous statue made out of snow in people's yards
  8. 16. the christmas tree is covered in these
  9. 17. famous christmas meal
  10. 19. an activity done on a hill in the snow
  11. 20. the ground is covered with this at christmas time
  1. 1. some children are forced to go here to celebrate the birth of jesus
  2. 2. the day before christmas
  3. 3. the most important thing at christmas time
  4. 5. a plant used to put presents under
  5. 10. the animals that guide santa's sleigh
  6. 11. you wake up to these on christmas morning
  7. 14. circular leafy christmas decoration
  8. 15. your parents fill these sock shaped things with goodies
  9. 18. the vehicle santa delivers presents in