- 2. Make sure to have a _______ for Santa to come down.
- 3. _____ likes to have cookies and milk.
- 6. Why is buck not a buck during a storm? ________
- 8. _______ has a "most famous" Christmas song.
- 12. If you are under _________, you need to kiss.
- 14. Some people have an _____ at the top of the tree, I have a star.
- 15. There are _________ on my Christmas tree.
- 16. _________ is the day after Christmas Eve.
- 17. Some people have ___ on Christmas Eve.
- 18. We have a ____ at the top of our Christmas tree.
- 19. Some people celebrate _____'s birth on Christmas Day.
- 21. The Christmas tree tradition comes from this northern European country _______
- 1. There are ______ in my Christmas tree.
- 4. You hang ornaments on the Christmas ____.
- 5. Saint _________ is the inspiration for Santa
- 7. On Christmas Day, you open the ________ under the tree.
- 9. Each __________ is said to be unique.
- 10. Santa´s ______ is lead by reindeer.
- 11. ______ is the last name of Santa.
- 13. We listen to Christmas _____ on Christmas Day.
- 16. You can have ___________ sauce on Christmas Eve.
- 20. In Bradenton, Florida there is no ____ on our rooftops.