Christmas Movies & TV Show

  1. 1. The names of the 2 thieves in Home Alone: Harry and ____
  2. 3. The name of the Head Elf in the Santa Clause
  3. 4. The finale of National Lampoon's Xmas Vacation includes Aunt Betty singing The Star Spangled Banner while a flaming ________ flies into the distance.
  4. 5. He won the Lights and Display Contest in a Charlie Brown Christmas.
  5. 6. He was left Home Alone.
  6. 8. The town where It's a Wonderful Life takes place, ___________.
  7. 10. What brought Frosty to life.
  8. 12. What does the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge to make his change his ways.
  9. 13. George Bailey's guardian angel.
  10. 15. The relative who gave Ralphie his Pink Bunny Pajamas.
  11. 16. The misfit elf who wanted to be a dentist.
  1. 1. Scott Calvin's ex-wife always wanted this game for Christmas.
  2. 2. National Lampoon's Xmas Vacation centers around this family
  3. 3. While searching for Rudolph Yukon Cornelius discovers _________ bounce.
  4. 7. Linus uses this precious belonging to upright the gang's Christmas tree.
  5. 9. The neighborhood bully who Ralphie ends up beating up
  6. 11. Frosty's fuzzy white sidekick.
  7. 14. Scrooge's employee.