Christmas Songs

  1. 4. Who got runover
  2. 8. Have a __________ Christmas
  3. 10. simply having
  4. 12. I'll have a ____ Christmas
  5. 13. where is it cold
  6. 14. how are you having your Wonderful Christmastime
  7. 15. Noel came in _____
  8. 16. Who's coming to town
  9. 17. jingle
  10. 18. ____ the heralds
  1. 1. what did the little boy play
  2. 2. Come all ye _____
  3. 3. Feliz _____
  4. 5. up on the ______
  5. 6. It came ____ a midnight clear
  6. 7. Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas
  7. 9. He was dreaming of a White Christmas
  8. 11. silver
  9. 14. I saw three
  10. 16. I saw three ships
  11. 19. what is rudoph doing