Christmas Songs

  1. 4. The ___ is the most majestic bird.
  2. 7. Synonym of happy.
  3. 8. The hunter was happy to have caught one ___.
  4. 10. They all sang the ___ together.
  5. 11. I'll repeat once, but not ____.
  6. 12. Another name for God.
  7. 14. He was frustrated and had a ___ on his face.
  8. 15. Two ___ were looking for food.
  1. 1. One Christmas carol is "The Little ___ Boy".
  2. 2. You can kiss under the ___.
  3. 3. The ___ of the house welcomed people at the door.
  4. 5. Children who are not on Santa's list.
  5. 6. What you put on every morning.
  6. 9. The ___ made the bed and cleaned the room.
  7. 10. They formed a circle and sang Christmas ___.
  8. 13. He asked her to marry him and gave her a ___.