Christmas Songs

  1. 4. /now the jingle ____ has begun
  2. 5. /let _____ receive her king
  3. 9. /and a partridge in a ____ tree
  4. 10. /above thy deep and dreamless _____
  5. 11. /all is calm, all is _____
  6. 12. /____ to the World
  7. 15. /twelve drummers ______
  8. 17. /a newborn ____ to see, pa-rum-pa-pum-pum
  9. 18. /the stars in the sky looked down ____ he lay
  10. 20. /jolly______ St. Nicholas
  11. 21. /hark the herald ____ sing
  12. 22. /i saw _____ kissing Santa Claus
  1. 1. /it's the _____ wonderful time of the year
  2. 2. /grandma got run over by a _______
  3. 3. /or the ____ we go, laughing all the way
  4. 6. /I want a _____ for Christmas
  5. 7. /last Christmas I gave you my ___
  6. 8. /god _____ ye merry gentlemen
  7. 11. /just hear those sleigh ____ jing-a-ling
  8. 13. /three ____ hens
  9. 14. /and since we've no place to go, let it ___
  10. 16. /do they know it's ________?
  11. 19. /five golden _______