Christmas Spirits and Legends

  1. 1. The essence of Christmas.
  2. 4. Heavenly beings associated with Christmas.
  3. 8. Jack Frost, a spirit of winter.
  4. 9. The vehicle used by Santa to deliver gifts.
  5. 10. La Befana, an Italian Christmas witch.
  6. 11. A spirit associated with ancient winter festivals.
  1. 2. Christmas tree spirits in some legends.
  2. 3. The jolly man who brings gifts to children.
  3. 5. Spirits that visit Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol."
  4. 6. A legend about a creature who punishes naughty children.
  5. 7. Refers to St. Nicholas, the original Santa Claus.
  6. 12. Small helpers in Santa's workshop.