Christmas Surprise

  1. 4. ______ the Elf
  2. 5. Favorite streaming channel for cartoon movies
  3. 8. We should get _____, or She's___ the distance"
  4. 11. a group of singers is a choir
  5. 12. Who ___ you?
  6. 14. bouncing ___, peanut butter____,sports ____
  7. 15. "___ wish you a merry Christmas'
  8. 16. Who is 14 (going on 20) and loves theater.
  1. 1. ____ its cold outside
  2. 2. The day between Tuesday and Friday
  3. 3. Not in, under, or next to
  4. 6. - no ______ this week
  5. 7. We're off __ see the wizard"
  6. 9. What water turns into when it freezes
  7. 10. Who is 6 and loves to sing, and loves Mermaids
  8. 13. Who is 11, loves to sing and gives the best hugs, and likes driving heavy machinery