Christmas TV Classics

  1. 3. I’m on my ****ing lunch break ok
  2. 6. Tiny Tim
  3. 8. Santa I know him
  4. 12. Yippee-ki-yay
  5. 14. You Serious Clark
  6. 15. Train ride to North Pole
  7. 17. That Nose
  8. 19. Maxx the dog
  9. 21. Kaye & Crosby
  10. 22. The doctor is in
  1. 1. Potterville
  2. 2. Burgermeister
  3. 4. Naddafinga
  4. 5. 3 Ghosts & Bill Murray
  5. 7. Free Frosty
  6. 9. Turbo Man
  7. 10. 3 wise men
  8. 11. The Wet Bandits
  9. 13. Santa on trial
  10. 16. Took Santa’s place
  11. 18. Happy New Year
  12. 20. No food after midnight