Christmas/Winter Puzzle

  1. 4. The day before Christmas is called Christmas...
  2. 7. the name of Santa's most famous animal
  3. 10. On January 1, some people make New Year promises, known as New Year...
  4. 11. The animal Santa Claus uses to fly
  5. 12. A long sock that people put presents into
  1. 1. The name of a famous movie, where a young boy is forgotten by his family during Christmas vacation
  2. 2. A traditional Christmas song is called a Christmas...
  3. 3. Happy, joyful
  4. 5. In December, some people use a(n) _________ calendar
  5. 6. The day after Christmas is known as _________ Day
  6. 8. Cookies people like to eat at Christmas
  7. 9. Some people put a star on the top of their Christmas tree. Others put a(n)...