
  1. 2. The two types of chlorophyll
  2. 5. The chromatography beaker must be this
  3. 7. Substances at the top of a chromatogram have least
  4. 13. Most solvents are this
  5. 14. Different amino acids have a different ....
  6. 15. A polar solvent
  7. 16. Position the solvent has travelled
  8. 17. a non-polar solvent
  9. 19. Colour of the fastest moving pigment in grass
  10. 20. Rf values are always less than this
  11. 21. Not stationary
  12. 22. This chromatography is cheaper than TLC
  1. 1. Chemicals 'attracted' to the stationary phase
  2. 3. Chemical composition of paper
  3. 4. Solvents used are often a ...
  4. 6. Not mobile
  5. 8. Calculated to show the location of a spot
  6. 9. The stationary phase is normally this
  7. 10. Material on a TLC plate
  8. 11. A common solvent
  9. 12. Chemical used to make amino acids coloured
  10. 18. Amino acids have a range of this