Chronic Illness / Eating Disorders

  1. 4. Binge eats at least twice a week over a period of time.
  2. 7. A chronic respiratory disease accompanied by labored breathing.
  3. 8. eating varies in response to your emotions, your schedule, your hunger, and your proximity to food.
  4. 9. Weakened bones caused by insufficient calcium absorption
  5. 10. a chronic disease characterized by insulin deficiency.
  6. 12. Iron deficiency.
  1. 1. Drops weight to about 20% below normal. Very thin, but feels fat.
  2. 2. Stopping breathing while asleep.
  3. 3. Abnormally high arterial blood flow. (hypertension)
  4. 5. Degenerative joint disease.
  5. 6. Weakening of bones caused by vitamin D deficiency.
  6. 11. Binge and purge