Church Year

  1. 2. about 50 days before Easter
  2. 8. season denoting the coming of Christ
  3. 9. penitential season preparing for Easter
  4. 11. parament color Christmas, Epiphany, Easter
  5. 14. parament color for Pentecost
  6. 15. festival of Jesus' resurrection
  7. 16. turning away from sin
  8. 17. about 70 days before Easter
  9. 18. parament color for Good Friday
  10. 20. coverings for altar, lecturn, & pulpit
  1. 1. season revealing Jesus as true God
  2. 3. festival of Jesus' return to the Father
  3. 4. symbolized by the color green
  4. 5. removal of sin
  5. 6. festival of the pouring out of Holy Spirit
  6. 7. symbolized by the color purple
  7. 10. about 60 days before Easter
  8. 12. parament color for Lent
  9. 13. parament color for Trinity season
  10. 18. parament color for Advent
  11. 19. festival of the birth of Jesus