
  1. 4. a film with a lot of songs
  2. 5. The Lord of the Rings was based ... a book by JR Tolkien
  3. 6. a film that makes you laugh
  4. 7. a particular sequence in a film, usually shot in the same location
  5. 9. Gone With the Wind was ... in the 19th century during the American Civil War
  6. 10. a film with a lot of exciting sequences, e.g. with fast cars or a lot of people fighting
  7. 11. the voices, music, and other noises of a film
  8. 17. a person who gives instruction to the actors and technicians on a film
  9. 18. a film that continues the story from an earlier film
  1. 1. to record another language over the original language
  2. 2. e.g. a film with space ships visiting other planets
  3. 3. the story; what happens in the film
  4. 8. all the people who help to make a film
  5. 12. the part or character an actor plays
  6. 13. the actors in a film
  7. 14. e.g. a Dracula film
  8. 15. another word for (the film was) 'shot'
  9. 16. filmmakers often use computers to create special ...