  1. 6. - The music and audio effects in a movie.
  2. 9. - A genre of movies that feature thrilling and exciting scenes.
  3. 10. - A person who performs in movies.
  4. 13. - A genre of movies that are created using drawings or computer graphics.
  5. 14. - The first showing of a movie.
  1. 1. - A pass for entry to a movie.
  2. 2. - A film shown in a theater.
  3. 3. Glasses - Special glasses that enhance the movie-watching experience.
  4. 4. - A genre of movies that tells emotional stories.
  5. 5. - A popular snack enjoyed while watching movies.
  6. 7. - The device used to capture scenes for a movie.
  7. 8. - The large surface where movies are projected.
  8. 11. - A genre of movies that are funny and entertaining.
  9. 12. - The strip of material used to record movies.