Circulation and Respiration Review

  1. 3. Made in liver and lymph tissue that transport fats and help fight infections
  2. 7. Also known as erythrocyte is disk-shaped and carries oxygen throughout the body
  3. 12. A bacterial or viral infection of the lining of the lungs which causes the lungs to secrete large quantities of fluid
  4. 14. A type of heart failure caused by a blockage of blood flow to heart muscles
  5. 16. Small saclike structures at the end of the bronchial tubes
  6. 17. Genetic defect that affects the chlorine gates of lung cell membranes causing the lungs to fill with a thick muscus
  7. 18. Move blood back to the heart
  8. 21. Two thin walled upper chambers; the pumping action of the heart
  9. 22. People with type O can donate to people of any blood type
  10. 23. A layer of slippery tissue that coats the outside of the heart which allows the heart to move easily
  11. 24. Genetic disorder caused by a defect that causes hemoglobin to lump together
  12. 26. People with type AB can receive any type of blood
  13. 27. Painful condition when the pleura becomes inflammed
  14. 29. Abnormal rushing or blowing sound caused by valve damage
  15. 30. High blood pressure; makes the heart work harder thatn normal
  16. 32. Thick vertical wall that divides the left artium and ventricle from the right atrium and ventricle
  17. 33. Air rushes in to the lungs
  18. 34. Also known as leukocyte which have no hemoglobin (colorless)
  19. 37. A thick sheet of muscle that seperates the chest and abdominal cavities
  20. 38. Contracting and pumping phase of heart action
  21. 39. Hardening of the arteries
  22. 40. Made in liver and helps in the clotting of blood
  23. 41. Tiny-disk-shaped cell fragments produced in bone marrow that are important in blood clotting
  24. 46. Air rushes from the lungs
  25. 47. Connects the right atrium and right ventricle
  26. 51. The body's largest artery which distributes blood throughout the body
  27. 58. A form of cancer in which white blood cells are produced uncontrolled numbers crowding out normal cells cuasing pain and weakness
  28. 59. Bronchial tubes branch many times to form smaller tubes
  29. 60. Connects left atrium and left ventricle
  30. 61. A disorder resulting from too little oxygen being transported to body cells
  31. 62. Move blood away from the heart
  1. 1. The amount of force that blood exerts of the walls of the blood vessels
  2. 2. Transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
  3. 4. Two thick walled lower chambers
  4. 5. Is where blood cells are made; found in the end of long bones
  5. 6. Master control unit of the heart; pacemaker of the heart
  6. 8. Lining of the interior of the heart's chambers
  7. 9. Caused by viruses that infect the respiratory system causing fever, sore muscles, and chest pain
  8. 10. Rhythmic change of pressure in your arteries
  9. 11. Contains various dissolved substances; is 55% of the total blood volume
  10. 13. Allow blood to flow from each atrium into the corresponding ventricle
  11. 15. Inflammation of the bronichal tube lining
  12. 19. Condition occurs when the heart ceases to beat and twitches randomly
  13. 20. When the blood pressure fall's to a critical low
  14. 25. Relaxing and filling phase of the heart
  15. 28. An allergic condition characterized by spasms of the broncial tube muscles making breathing difficult
  16. 31. Transports blood from the heart to the lungs
  17. 35. Two, large, spongy organs located inside the thoracic cavity on opposite dies of your heart
  18. 36. Deposits of fatty material and calcium build up which make artery walls hard
  19. 42. Caused by slow growing bacteria that infects the lungs and is more life threatening
  20. 43. First to describe the circulation of blood accurately called the heart
  21. 44. Uncontrolled growth of abnormal lung cells that crowd out normal cells
  22. 45. A double membrane lining the inside of the rib cage providing lubrication
  23. 48. Returns deoxygenated blood to the heart; the body's largest veins
  24. 49. Tough white sac that helps support and protect the heart as it pumps
  25. 50. Progessive deterioration of the alveoli caused by malfunctioning enzymes
  26. 52. Made in the liver and helps regulate the amount of water in blood
  27. 53. An inherited disease that results in the inability to form blood clots
  28. 54. Vessels that link the larger vessels
  29. 55. Division of the trachea when it enters the thoracic cavity (one enters each lung)
  30. 56. Hand-sized organ located in the abdomen that stores extra red blood cells
  31. 57. A special iron-containing blood protein which binds easily to oxygen to give blood its red color