Circulation Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. True or False? Generally what you wear to class is acceptable to wear to work.
  2. 7. What is the most common due date for textbooks on reserve?
  3. 9. What should you do if you're not sure how to help a patron on the phone or in person?
  4. 10. Are you supposed to answer the phone when it rings?
  5. 13. How many supervisors are there across all locations?
  6. 14. Who is responsible for changing toner and adding paper for the public printers?
  7. 15. How many hours can you work per week?
  8. 16. Yay or Nay - We have every textbook for each class that Miami offers.
  9. 18. How many days in advance do you need to request off?
  10. 19. How many hours can a patron reserve a study room for each day?
  11. 20. What is the most common way to speak with a librarian?
  12. 21. Who is Sabrina Mason?
  13. 22. Yay or Nay - You should always look up and smile when you hear something.
  14. 23. Yay or Nay - When checking out a study room key you tell them the time it's due back in Sierra and not the scheduling system.
  1. 1. Who is the Dean of the Library?
  2. 2. Do you read call numbers from left to right or right to left?
  3. 4. Is the schedule created weekly, monthly, or by semester?
  4. 5. Who is Kris Abney?
  5. 6. Do you read call numbers from top to bottom or bottom to top?
  6. 8. Where can you find the schedule and sub board?
  7. 11. What queue should print jobs be sent to?
  8. 12. Are you allowed to wear headphones while working at the circ desk?
  9. 13. True or False? You're allowed to do your homework and ignore patrons.
  10. 17. What should you do if you forget to clock in/out?
  11. 22. Yay or Nay - You need to keep statistics while working at the circ desk.
  12. 24. Yay or Nay - You need to tell patrons when their items are due back